Who uses Connect with Kids Resources? 

K-12 and college educators and staff including (classroom teachers, school nurses, guidance counselors and P.E. teachers and coaches), social workers, probation officers, hospital personnel, and parents all use Connect with Kids. Any adult who wants to help improve the lives of children will find that Connect with Kids is a great tool to help students relate to adults and each other.

How is are Connect with Kids video and print resources used?
Schools, school districts, organizations, and parents nationwide use Connect with Kids videos and accompanying print resources in one-on-one sessions, group activities, and in school-wide assemblies.  Parent coordinators use the programs for workshops and parent meetings. Here are other uses:

Health Class Physical Education Journalism/Multi-media
Technology/Computer Lab Peer Leadership Groups Assemblies
Individual or Group Counseling Homework Professional Development
Parent-Teacher Conferences One-on-one Sessions Group Sessions
Mentoring Advisory After School Programs
Home-Viewing PTA Meetings Community Activities

How can I access the site?
You can log on by creating your personal user name and password. Click here to obtain the required organization code.

Is there research supporting Connect with Kids programs?

Connect with Kids programs are evidence-based.  Connect with Kids appears as an “Effective Producer” of programs on the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse List. Read more at   http://connectwithkids.com/research/.

Have more questions about the Making it Better Initiative?

Contact John Concelman at 980-343-2748 or john.concelman@cms.k12.nc.us